Babergh Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2009)
The National Planning Policy Framework, published in March 2012, continues to require that local planning authorities prepare a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) as part of the evidence base that supports its (new) Local Plan.
Babergh SFRA Final Document (Mar 2009)
The Babergh SFRA was first published in March 2009 (see below). Although not updated since, flood risk remains a 'living and changing’ issue. Therefore, the document and the outcomes and conclusions set out below may not be valid in the event of future changes to the data or the baseline flooding situation. While we will endeavour to update the SFRA on a periodic basis it remains the responsibility of the user to ensure that they are using the best and most up-to-date available information, and for them to to demonstrate that any potential risks have been identified and mitigated through a site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA).
Map 5: Flood Zone 3b Functional Floodplain
Map 7: Historical Flood Extents and Locations
Map 8: Locations of Sewer Flooding Incidents
Map 9: Locations of Highways Flooding Incidents
Map 10: Surface Water Flooding (0.5% AEP Event)
Map 11: Impact of Climate Change on Flood Zone 3
Map 12: Infrastructure - Services
Map 13: Infrastructure - Transport
Map 14: Appropriate SuDS Techniques
Appendix D - Site Summary Sheets (text)