Brettenham Neighbourhood Plan
The Brettenham Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is being prepared by the Parish Council and local community. When complete, it will be used to help guide and shape future development in the plan's area.
Latest news…
Reg 17 Examination (commenced October 2024)
Babergh District Council have appointed Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI FRSA AoU to carry out an independent examination of the Brettenham NDP.
The examination is now underway and relevant updates will be published here at the appropriate time.
- Read the Examination Correspondence document (published 3 October 2024)
Previous stages...
Reg 16 Submission consultation (ended 30 August 2024)
The Brettenham NDP was submitted in June 2024 and was made available for public consultation between 15 July and 30 August 2024.
Brettenham Parish Council (the qualifying body) had submitted the following documents:
- A Map identifying the NDP Area
- The submission draft Brettenham NDP 2024 - 2037
- A Consultation Statement
- A Basic Conditions Statement
- A Brettenham Design Guide (AECOM, Oct 2021)
- A Local Green Space Assessment
- A Views Assessment
- A Non-designated Heritage Assets Assessment
- The 2021 Residents Survey Results
- A copy of our SEA & HRA Determination Notice (see further below)
An assessment on how this NDP meets the basic condition tests will form part of the examination (see 'latest news' above). Our initial checks suggest that the relevant procedural requirements had been met at this stage. See our Regulation 15 Checklist.
Respondents were reminded that their comments would be forwarded to the examiner at the end of this consultation period and, with the exception of personal contact details, that they would be published on this webpage. The Parish Council were also given the opportunity to respond to any new issues raised.
- See the Reg 16 Representations (includes the Parish Councils response)
SEA/HRA Screening and Determination (Apr 2024)
The pre-submission draft Brettenham NDP was screened to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and or a Habitats Assessment (HRA) were required. Both were 'screened-out'. The relevant reports and our determination notice are published below:
- Read the Brettenham NDP SEA Screening Report (LUC, Mar 2024)
- Read the Brettenham NDP HRA Screening Report (LUC, Mar 2024)
- Read the Brettenham NDP SEA HRA Determination Notice (Apr 2024)
Reg 14 Pre-submission consultation (22 Jan to 8 Mar 2024)
Consultation on the pre-submission draft Brettenham NDP closed on 8 March 2024. Please visit the parish council website for more information.