Newton Neighbourhood Plan

The Newton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been prepared by Newton Parish Council and local community and will be used to help guide and shape future development in the parish.

Latest news...

Reg 20 Formal Adoption (2 March 2022)

In an ‘out of meeting’ decision taken on Wednesday 2 March 2022, Babergh District Council agreed to adopt ('make') the Newton NDP. 

This NDP now forms part of the development plan and will be used to help decide planning applications in the parish, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Previous stages...

Local referendum (24 Feb 2022) - a majority 'Yes' vote

A local referendum was held on 24 February 2022 to decide if the Newton NDP should become part of the Council's development plan. The count took place the following day.

The question asked was

Do you want Babergh District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Newton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan Area?

Reg 18 Decision Statement (20 July 2021)

On 5 July 2021, Babergh’s cabinet committee agreed that, subject to modification, the Newton NDP should proceed to a local referendum.

Reg 17 Independent Examination (final report 23 June 2021)

Babergh District Council appointed Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI FHEA FRSA AoU to carry out an independent examination of the Newton NDP. The examination was conducted through written correspondence.

On 23 June 2021, the examiner issued her final report. It recommends that, subject to modification, the Newton NDP meets the basic conditions and should proceed to a local referendum.

Planning practice guidance also provides advice on the weight to be attached to a post examination plan.

Reg 16 Submission Consultation (1 March - 23 April 2021)

The district council undertook formal consultation on the submitted NDP to see if it fulfils the Basic Conditions set out in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 

The consultation was carried out in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended). The consultation period ran from 1 March to 23 April 2021.

The parish council (the qualifying body) had formally submitted the following documents:

An assessment as to whether the Newton NDP fulfils the basic conditions will be undertaken by an independent examiner. An initial check was carried out to confirm that the relevant requirements have been met at this stage. View the Regulation 15 Checklist

Respondents were also reminded that their comments would be forwarded to the examiner and, with the exception of personal details, published on this website.

SEA/HRA Screening and Determination (December 2020)

The pre-submission draft Newton NDP was screened to decide whether an SEA and/or an HRA were needed. Both were 'screened-out'. The relevant reports and determination notices, which confirm that this plan is unlikely to have significant environmental effects, are published below:

Reg 14 Pre-submission Consultation (17 August - 12 October 2020)

Reg 05 Area Designation (23 March 2018)