Hitcham Neighbourhood Plan
The Hitcham Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is being prepared by the Parish Council and local community. When complete, it will be used to help guide and shape future development in the plan's area.
Latest news...
Reg 16 Submission consultation (24 Mar - 9 May 2025)
The Hitcham NDP was submitted in February 2025 and is being made available for public consultation.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), written comments are being invited on this draft plan and accompanying documents. The consultation period runs from Monday 24 March until 4:00pm on Friday 9 May 2025.
A list of the submitted documents appears below. Our Public Notice explains how copies of the submitted plan can be accessed locally.
- A map identifying the Hitcham NDP Area
- The submission draft Hitcham NDP 2022 - 2037
- A Consultation Statement
- A Basic Conditions Statement
- A Design Guidelines & Codes document (AECOM, Jan 2025)
- A Housing Needs Assessment (AECOM, Jan 2023)
- A Hitcham Data Profile (Nov 2022)
- A copy of our SEA & HRA Determination Notice (see further below)
An assessment on how this NDP meets the basic condition tests will form part of the examination. Our initial checks suggest that the relevant procedural requirements have been met. See our Regulation 15 Checklist.
Submitting your comments
All comments (preferably using the Response Form) should be sent by email to: communityplanning@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can post your comments to:
Hitcham NP Consultation, c/o Planning Policy Team
Babergh District Council
8 Russell Road
Ipswich, IP1 2BX
All comments must be made in writing and must be received by the consultation deadline. Your comments cannot be treated as confidential and, with the exception of personal contact details, they will be published on this webpage at the end of the consultation period. As part of your response, you can also state if you wish to be notified when we publish the examiners report and if/when this NDP is adopted by Babergh District Council.
We have also produced an FAQs document which you may find helpful.
Previous stages...
Reg 14 Pre-submission consultation (13 Jul - 30 Aug 2024)
Consultation by the parish council on their pre-submission NDP closed on 30 August 2024. Please visit Hitcham Parish Council's website for more information.
SEA/HRA Screening and Determination (July 2024)
A copy of the pre-submission draft NDP has been screened to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and or a Habitats Assessment (HRA) are required. Both were 'screened out'. The relevant reports and our determination notice are published below:
- Read the Hitcham NDP SEA Screening Report (LUC, May 2024)
- Read the Hitcham NDP HRA Screening Report (LUC, May 2024)
- Read the Hitcham NDP SEA HRA Determination Notice (July 2024)