Lavenham Neighbourhood Plan

The Lavenham Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) (LNP1) was 'made' (adopted) by Babergh District Council in September 2016. Covering the plan period 2016 - 2031, it remains the adopted plan for this parish.

A new NDP for Lavenham (known as LNP2) was rejected when it was put to a local referendum in November 2024.

The content and links below relate to the adopted plan (LNP1). A brief note about LNP2 can be found at the bottom of this page.

Formal adoption of LNP1 (20 Sept 2016)

On 20 September 2016, Babergh District Council agreed to adopt ('make') LNP1 following a majority 'yes' vote by local residents. 

This NDP, which covers the period up to 2031, forms part of the development plan for this parish and will continue to be used to help determine planning applications unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Supporting evidence

Previous stages...

Local referendum (Sept 2016)

A local referendum on LNP1 took place on 8 September 2016. The question asked of those entitled to vote was: "Do you want Babergh District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Lavenham to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan Area?"

Reg 17 Examination (Final Report - 27 April 2016)

Babergh District Council appointed Janet Cheesley BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI to carry out an independent examination of LNP1. The final exam report was issued on 27 April 2016. It confirmed that, subject to certain modifications, LNP1 would meet the basic condition tests and that it should proceed to a local referendum.

Reg 16 Submission consultation (Jan - Feb 2016)

The submission draft version of LNP1 was published for public consultation between 4 January and 16 February 2016. The Parish Council (the Qualifying Body) has formally submitted the following documents:

Reg 14 pre-submission consultation (Jul - Sept 2015)

This public consultation exercise was carried out by Lavenham Parish Council between late July and early September 2015. 

Reg 05 Area Designation (2 Sept 2013)

Lavenham Neighbourhood Plan 2

As explained earlier, a new NDP for Lavenham (LNP2) was rejected when it was put to a local referendum held on 28 November 2024. 

Work on LNP2 began in 2020. It contained a mix of updated LNP1 policies and new policies covering a range of topics. LNP2 had also been through the required public consultation stages (in late 2022 and in summer 2023), and had also been independently examined by Janet Cheesley. Her final report, published in April 2024, explained that subject to further modifications LNP2 would met the basic condition tests and that it should proceed to a local referendum. 

Because it was rejected at the referendum, LNP2 has no planning status. The documents associated with it are being archived from this website.