Copdock & Washbrook Neighbourhood Plan
Copdock & Washbrook Parish Council are preparing a new Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). When complete it will be used to help guide and shape future development in the parish.
Their original NDP was rejected when it was put to a local referendum in March 2022. The new NDP, which covers the plan period 2023 - 2037, retains many elements of the original plan but also clearly explains what has been changed.
The new Cop-Wash NDP 2023 - 2037
Latest news...
Reg 17 Examination (resuming Feb 2025)
Babergh District Council have re-appointed Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI FRSA AoU to carry out an independent examination of the new Copdock & Washbrook NDP. The examination commenced in July 2024 but was then paused in late 2024. It is now resuming.
Design Guidelines document consultation (ended 5 Feb 2025)
In late 2024, Copdock & Washbrook Parish Council submitted a new Design Guidelines document to sit alongside their NDP. This will replace all previous versions. Written comments on this new document were invited during a focused consultation period that ran from 20 January until 5 February 2025. Further details were set out in the consultation letter.
Other updates relating to the examination phase will continue to be published in the correspondence document below:
- Read the Examination Correspondence document (Last updated Jan 2025)
Previous stages...
Reg 16 Submission consultation (7 May to 21 June 2024)
The new submission draft Copdock & Washbrook NDP was made available for public consultation between 7 May and 21 June 2024.
The Parish Council (the Qualifying Body) had submitted the following documents:
- A Map identifying the NDP Area
- The new submission draft Cop-Wash NDP 2023 - 2037
- A Consultation Statement (Jan 2024)
- A Basic Conditions Statement (Jan 2024)
- A Design Guidelines (Mar 2023) [See above for consultation on new version]
- A Housing Needs Assessment (Jun 2019)
- An updated Landscape Appraisal (Nov 2023)
- Copies of the May 2023 SEA & HRA Screening Reports, and our July 2024 Determination Notices (see under Previous stages below)
An assessment on how this NDP meets the basic condition tests will form part of the examination. Our initial checks suggested that the relevant requirements had been met at this stage. See our Regulation 15 Checklist.
Respondents were reminded that their comments would be forwarded to the examiner at the end of the consultation period and that, with the exception of personal details, that they would be published on this webpage. The Parish Council have also been given the opportunity to respond to any new issues raised at this stage.
- See the Reg 16 consultation responses (includes the response from the Parish Council)
SEA/HRA Screening and Determination (July 2023)
The new pre-submission draft NDP was screened to determine whether a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and or a habitats regulations assessment (HRA) were needed. Both were 'screened-out'. The relevant reports and determination notices are published below:
- Read the Cop-Wash NDP SEA Screening Opinion (LUC, May 2023)
- Read the Cop-Wash NDP SEA Determination Notice (July 2023)
- Read the Cop-Wash NDP HRA Screening Report (LUC, May 2023)
- Read the Cop-Wash NDP HRA Determination Notice (July 2023)
Reg 14 Pre-submission consultation (11 Mar - 28 Apr 2023)
Pre-submission consultation on the new NDP ended on 28 April 2023. Please visit the parish council website for more information.
Reg 05 - Area Designation (28 Sept 2018)
The rejected Cop-Wash NDP 2018 - 2037
As explained earlier, the original NDP failed to receive sufficient support when it was put to a local referendum in March 2022.
To avoid any confusion with the new NPD we are only publishing, for reference purposes, the most essential original draft documents below. As the new plan progresses, these will be also be deleted at the appropriate time.