Check your collection day

Check your refuse and recycling collection day

We collect refuse (general rubbish) and recycling from households on an alternating weekly schedule. This means that your refuse will be collected one week, and your recycling the next.

Collections which follow a bank holiday will usually be a day later than normal, for the rest of the week. Collections over the Christmas and New Year period are on an amended schedule.

For an address in Babergh:

For an address in Mid Suffolk:

If you are unsure which district the address is in, you can find your district council online.

If you are unsure of your refuse and recycling collection day, please email Waste Services.

Bin not emptied as scheduled?

Sometimes, collections can be delayed for reasons outside of our control.

If your bin has not been emptied as scheduled, please check for service delays.

Check your garden waste collection day

We collect garden waste on a fortnightly schedule, via our chargeable subscription service.

Collections which follow a bank holiday will usually be a day later than normal, for the rest of the week. We also pause garden waste collections for two weeks during the Christmas and New Year period.

If you do not know your garden waste collection day/week, please email Waste Services to find out.

Bin not emptied as scheduled?

Sometimes, collections can be delayed for reasons outside of our control.

If your bin has not been emptied as scheduled, please check for service delays.

Bin collection advice

So that we can empty your bin(s), please ensure:

  1. You have checked what can go in your bins. If your bin contains non-accepted items, it will not be emptied
  2. You have put the correct bin out by 6.30am on collection day (or left out the night before)
  3. Your bin is left, and clearly visible, at the edge of your property boundary, at the point nearest to the public highway (unless we have agreed otherwise)
  4. Place the bin with the handle facing outwards towards the road/pavement
  5. The bin's lid is firmly closed
  6. The bin is not too heavy, and can be moved easily
  7. No items are lodged, stuck, or frozen, in the bin. Contents must fall out when the bin is lifted upside down
  8. Your bin has been clearly labelled with your property's number/name

Once emptied, the bin must be taken back inside the boundary of your property by 7pm on collection day. This is unless your collection has been delayed, or we have specified otherwise.

Additional waste

Please note that we will only empty authorised Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council bins that we have issued to the address.

Any refuse (general rubbish) or garden waste left next to your bin in unauthorised sacks, such as black bags, will not be collected.

If your bin is full, or an item is too big to fit in it, there are ways that you can dispose of additional waste.

Keep your bins clean

Bins are designed to keep your waste safe until it is collected. It is your responsibility to keep your bins clean.

The following advice may help you keep your bins clean:

  • Rinse your bins out regularly (you can use disinfectant, or warm soapy water). If you don't want to clean the bins yourself, you may want to contact a professional bin cleaner in your area
  • Put food waste (including pet food) into your refuse bin straight away. This will avoid attracting flies and wasps (who may lay eggs in the food)
  • Rinse food packaging to remove any food scraps
  • Squeeze air out of bags, before putting them into your refuse bin. The lack of air will slow down general decomposition, reduce smells and slow the development of maggots
  • Place sheets of newspaper at the bottom of your refuse bin, to keep it dry. The paper will soak up any liquids that may escape from bags you place inside
  • Try to keep your bins in a shady area. Heat from the sun will warm up the bin, which will increase the smell and attract flies
  • Keep the lids of your bins closed, to prevent animals and flies getting in
  • Report a damaged bin so that we can repair or replace it