Charity collections

Street collections

What is a street collection?

A street collection is a collection for charitable, sporting, cultural or similar purpose (other than for private gain).

If you would like to carry out a street collection, you will need to apply for a street collection permit.

Collections inside private premises (for example, a supermarket) do not normally require a permit - you should always seek consent from the landowner or occupier, beforehand.

Apply for a street collections permit

You need to apply at least one month before the date of your intended collection.

We are not required to process an application received with less than one month's notice. If this places any difficulty on your intended collection, please contact us straightaway.

Before you apply, please read our street collection regulations.

Apply for a street collections permit

What you need to do following a collection

Once your collection has taken place, you will need to download and complete our street collection return form and send it to us within one month.

You will also (within one month of your collection having taken place) need to send a copy of the relevant notice to a local newspaper.

Please refer to our newspaper notice guidance.

House to house collections

House to house collections of money, clothing or bric-a-brac are regulated by the following legislation:


National exemption orders are made under Section 3 of the House to House Collections Act 1939.

Exempt organisations do not need to apply for a house to house collections permit, and are able to collect at any time of year.

You will still need to let us know when and where you intend to collect.

Apply for a house to house collections permit

You can apply for this permit via our online form:

Apply for a house to house collections permit

If or when your application has been approved, we will issue you with a permit.

Alongside your permit, you will also receive a certificate for The Stationery Office.

You will then be able to apply to their publications centre, in Norwich, for the badges and certificates that you will need for your collection and collectors.

What you need to do following a collection

Once your collection has taken place, you will need to download and complete our house to house collection account form and send it to us within one month.

Right of appeal

If your application is refused, you can make an appeal in writing - within 14 days of the refusal - to the Secretary of State:

Home Office (Active Community Unit)

3rd Floor, Allington Towers

Allington Street
