If you are finding it difficult to heat your home this winter, please read this breakdown of the support that's available.

If you are unable to heat your home

Warm Homes Healthy People can offer you advice, and refer you for assistance, to heat your home.

You may be eligible for support to heat your home through Surviving Winter, if you meet the criteria below:

  • Aged 66 or over
  • Not getting Pension Credit
  • Maximum income of £20k for an individual and £24k couple
  • Maximum savings of £5,000
  • Live in Suffolk

If you live in Babergh or Mid Suffolk, you can apply for Surviving Winter by contacting Sudbury & South Suffolk Citizens Advice on 01787 321 400 or visiting their website.

For more information, or to find out how to apply if you live outside of Babergh and Mid Suffolk, visit Suffolk Community Foundation's website.

You may also be able to apply for the Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme for support with heating your home, as well as other essential costs.

If you are in crisis and at risk of disconnection (including self-disconnection, due to lack of funds), please contact your local Citizens Advice for emergency assistance.

Search for your local Citizens Advice

You can also phone the Citizens Advice Suffolk Adviceline on 0808 278 7868

Warm Spaces

A network of warm spaces has developed across Suffolk, where people can come together to socialise in a warm and welcoming environment.

All libraries in Suffolk have warm spaces for anyone to come and use. You can find your local library online.

We have provided grant funding to community groups, to help them provide free or affordable activities, and support their local communities through the winter months. You can find a group or activity near you.

Mid Suffolk LWIW 2024-25 

The Rural Coffee Caravan support a variety of social events in rural communities across Suffolk. They have a map of all their sessions (including warm spaces) online.

Suffolk Centres for Warmth

Suffolk Centres for Warmth is a two year project, funded by Cadent, which is in place to provide energy advice and financial inclusion support to help people stay warm and healthy in their homes.

Support with your energy bills

If you are struggling to pay your energy bills, you may be eligible for additional support. The links below contain further advice about the grants and discounts currently available to households:

If you rely on oil to heat your home, you may benefit from collective buying schemes that bulk buy to secure a better price for households:

For assistance with the upfront cost of purchasing oil, Eastern Savings & Loans offer an interest free loan of up to £500.

Reduce your energy use

A number of organisations have produced information about how households can reduce their energy use:

Improving the energy efficiency of your home can help you reduce your use of energy.

If you own your home, or are a private landlord, you can use the following tool to learn about longer term investments that improve the energy efficiency of your home. The tool also provides information on installations, as well as grants:

Find ways to save energy in your home GOV.UK

You can find out more information about the grants available to home owners and landlords via the following links:


We know that getting around can be difficult without access to your own vehicle, particularly in some of our more rural areas where there is limited public transport. Connecting Communities offer community transport across Suffolk to help residents get where they need to go, they also have accessible transport.

Some Good Neighbour Schemes also offer community transport: find a list of participating neighbourhoods. You can also search for community transport operators on Suffolk Infolink

Where possible, using alternatives to a car can reduce your household fuel expenses. 'The Way to Go Suffolk' helps you plan journeys within the county.

Where driving can't be avoided, consider car sharing to split the expense. Suffolk Car Share helps you look for drivers who are travelling where you are.

Other utilities

Anglian Water offer reduced tariffs to eligible households on a low income. Learn more about Anglian Water's LITE and Extra LITE tariffs

You may be able to reduce your phone and broadband bill(s) by switching to a social tariff

If you are on a low income and you're struggling to get online, you may be able to access free data from the National Databank. You can also access the internet for free at an Online Centre.

For more information and to find a participating Online Centre near you please visit The Good Things Foundation’s website.

Learn more about the National Databank

If you are struggling to pay for your TV, phone or internet bill(s), Citizens Advice have provided some advice on their website:

Learn more about help with TV, phone or internet costs