Witches, outlaws and monsters – festival brings districts’ myths to life

Curious tales and medieval myths are being brought to life this month through a unique history programme curated by Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils.

From vanishing churches in Debenham to the legend of the notorious Lavenham highway woman, stories from the past are being retold through a series of walks, talks and film screenings.

The Witches, Legends and Curious Tales mini festival, which has events taking place from Wednesday, 19 March to Monday, 31 March, is built around two main themes – ‘the heart of Suffolk witch trials’ and ‘strange but true’.

During the witch trials events, participants will hear the tragic stories of those accused of witchcraft, the fear that swept through our region and the impact these events had on the communities of Babergh and Mid Suffolk. 

Meanwhile, the ‘strange but true’ sessions will provide a journey into the folklore, fables and peculiar happenings that have shaped local storytelling.

Well respected historians, authors and guides will be leading each event, providing unique insights into our shared past and helping people to feel closer to the place where they live.

Cllr Derek Davis, Babergh District Council cabinet member for sustainable economy, said:

“Our region has an incredibly rich and colourful history, but sometimes we fail to stop and appreciate it.

“That’s why, with the help of some incredibly knowledgeable local historians, we are helping to connect people with those that came before them and understand the stories that shaped our area.”

Cllr Tim Weller, Mid Suffolk District Council cabinet member for environment, culture and wellbeing, said:

“We often hear about witch trials or stories of medieval conquests, but how often do we get to hear about how those events specifically affected where we live? 

“This programme represents a unique opportunity to learn more about what life was like in our district centuries ago, so don’t hesitate to book your ticket.” 

This project has been funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. More information, including details about how to book each event, can be found by visiting the Heart of Suffolk website

Babergh map