Transparency Agenda

Babergh District Council is committed to being open and transparent.

The government have also made it mandatory for local councils to publish certain information under the Local government transparency code 2015.

Transparency Code Information

Email the Freedom of Information Officer to request access to any data that is not displayed above

Grants awarded to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations

Grants awarded to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Beneficiary Amount (£)
Capital grants
Long Melford in Bloom 2,500.00
Little Waldingfield Playing Field Committee 3,040.84
Hadleigh Town Council 9,530.87
Hadleigh Town Council 4,388.00
Subtotal 19,459.71
Minor grants
Copdock Village Hall 1,000.00
Subtotal 1,000.00
Revenue grants
Association for Suffolk Museums 1,000.00
Ipswich and District CAB 7,673.00
Sudbury and District CAB 13,375.00
Community Action Suffolk 10,000.00
Dance East 2,925.00
Eastern Angles 400.00
Edens Project 7,920.00
GoStart Community Transport 2,000.00
HomeStart in Suffolk 9,000.00
Kernos Centre 4,000.00
Lighthouse Womens Aid 1,250.00
Quay Theatre 11,500.00
Rural Coffee Caravan 4,000.00
Suffolk Artlink 1,500.00
SARS 500.00
The Bridge Project 7,200.00
Subtotal 84,243.00
Grand total 104,702.71