This page will focus on the SnOasis Reserved Matters application 4494/16 ⧉ and will be kept updated where appropriate to inform residents and other interested parties of key information and where we are with the key stages as we move forward. This web page is intended to supplement the regulatory information which can be found on the Council’s planning pages- it doesn’t seek to replace this and for key information people are advised to examine the documents available online. Please see the link above or below, where you can view the reference 4494/16 and access the documents tab.
Mid Suffolk Planning Search Page- 4494/16, SnOasis Reserved Matters Application ⧉
The ‘SnOasis’ scheme has a long and complex planning history and relates to the redevelopment of ex-quarry land amounting to some 120Ha, to the north-west of Ipswich; where the applicant sought permission for the creation of a ski centre, holiday resort, centre of winter sports excellence, leisure and associated uses and related on and off site infrastructure in addition to proposals for housing and a new railway station.
Following a public inquiry, the Secretary of State granted outline planning permission in 2008. Subsequently, the applicant applied to extend the life of the outline permission and this application was approved in 2011.
Update – Tuesday 20 April 2020
Following the March 2019 resolution of the Planning Referrals Committee the Chief Planning Officer has today granted approval for the outstanding “reserved matters” of the SnOasis development. Subject to planning conditions and obligations secured by way of a new s106 legal agreement, the developer is now free to proceed with delivering this major development, with funding now unlocked having reached this significant milestone.
- A copy of the final S106 legal agreement will be uploaded soon. An executed undated draft of this agreement is available to view on the application file using the reference 4494/16 ⧉.
Any planning queries should be directed for the attention of the lead planning officer for the project:
Steven Stroud - Strategic Projects Manager
Babergh and Mid Suffolk Planning Dept, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2BX.
Update – Friday 12 January 2018
Following our last update, the applicant has submitted further details and environmental information, clarifying matters raised through consultation and relating to the Environmental Statement.
The Council would therefore like to invite further comments from interested persons in light of the additional information and amplifications that have been received.
This consultation period will run up until the 17th February 2018 to coincide with additional publicity that has been undertaken through the East Anglian Daily Times, and a further site notice has been placed at the application site.
The relevant information is available for review on our Planning search pages ⧉. Please enter ‘4494/16' or ‘SnOasis’ into the search function and then look under the documents tab.
The new details submitted following the last round of consultation include:
- Amplified/Amended Drawings and 'Photo' Illustrations (22nd June 2017)
- Additional Ecological Details/Response (7th July 2017)
- Additional Ecological Details/Response (3rd August 2017)
- Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan (2nd January 2018)
- Energy Statement (2nd January 2018)
- Energy Statement Addendum (2nd January 2018)
- Geological Monitoring and Management Plan (2nd January 2018)
- Transport Technical Note (2nd January 2018)
All details, including the above, remain available and accessible from the website.
Please send your representations either via email:
or letter, addressed to -
Steven Stroud - Strategic Projects Manager
Babergh and Mid Suffolk Planning Dept, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2BX.
Update - Monday 15 May 2017
Following our last update, the applicant has submitted all of the outstanding ‘deliverables’ required to support the Reserved Matters application. This includes the submission of a new Environmental Statement.
All of the information submitted has now been uploaded to the planning pages of our website, available here: Mid Suffolk Planning Pages - 4494/16 (SnOasis) . For ease of reference, the new details are dated 14th May 2017.
Due to the volume of detailed information received, the Council is engaging in a new period of consultation from today, for a period of 6 weeks. If you wish to comment, please do so by the 26th June 2017.
Due to changes to our Planning Service, please note that it will not be possible to comment through the website until after the 1st June 2017. Alternatively, please send your representations:
via email;
or letter, addressed to-
Steven Stroud - Senior Planning Officer
Babergh and Mid Suffolk Planning Dept, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2BX.
Please continue to refer to this website for further updates when available.
Update - Monday 13 March 2017
Following discussions with the applicant and his agents it is understood that the information presently outstanding is due to be submitted at the start of May 2017. This information will include a new and revised Environmental Statement and those outstanding ‘deliverables’ identified within the appendices to the applicant’s Planning Statement (Appendix 2 of that Statement).
We have therefore agreed with the applicant an extension until the 31st August 2017 for the determination of the Reserved Matters application, in order to allow for additional consultation and adequate time to make an informed recommendation for Members of the Development Committee.
Update - Wednesday 16 November 2016
Application Submission- (Reserved Matters, Phases 1-8)
The application has now been registered for the submission of outstanding or ‘reserved’ matters following the granting of an application (1969/10, 2011) for the extension of time for the implementation of SnOasis: a ski centre, holiday resort, centre of winter sports excellence, leisure and associated uses and related on and off site infrastructure (originally permitted by the Secretary of State in 2008 under outline planning permission OL/100/04).
The submission comprises details pursuant to the discharge of eight ‘phases’ relating to the development as conditioned in the 2011 permission, being:
Phase 1 - Details of the ecological mitigation - to include earth stripping and creation of the ponds in preparation for the relocation of newts;
Phase 2 - Details of civils [engineering works], drainage and structural landscaping;
Phase 3 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance, of the ski dome, associated car parking and any hard and soft landscaping;
Phase 4 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance, of the entertainment dome, and any hard and soft landscaping;
Phase 5 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance of the hotel, car park, apartments and retail units together with any hard and soft landscaping;
Phase 6 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance of the sports academy, hostel and car park together with any hard and soft landscaping;
Phase 7 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance of the ice rink, conference and exhibition centre together with any hard and soft landscaping;
Phase 8 - Details of the siting, design and external appearance of the log cabins and clubhouse together with any hard and soft landscaping.