Previous Supplementary Documents
Rural Development and Core Strategy Policy CS11 SPD (Adopted 8 August 2014)
The Babergh Core Strategy (adopted Feb 2014) set out a new and more flexible approach to housing provision in rural areas. Policy CS11 of the document set out the strategy for development for Core and Hinterland Villages and it provided for proposals to be approved if they met the criteria set out in the policy. The SPD provided additional guidance on the interpretation of the policy and the information that was required to support proposals.
The Rural Development and Core Strategy Policy CS11 Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on the 8 August 2014.
Rural Development and Core Strategy Policy CS11 SPD
Adoption Statement for Rural Development and Core Strategy Policy CS11 SPD
Consultation Statement for Rural Development and Core Strategy Policy CS11 SPD
Affordable Housing SPD (Adopted 13 February 2014)
Babergh District Council formally adopted the Affordable Housing SPD (2014) on 13th February 2014. The SPD supported Core Strategy Policies CS19 (Affordable Housing requirements for market housing) and CS20 (Rural Exception policy). The purpose of the SPD was to help facilitate the delivery of affordable housing (including exception sites and the approach towards Commuted Sums in small sites) to meet housing need and assist in the creation and maintenance of sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. This SPD replaced the Babergh Affordable Housing SPD (2009).
Hamilton Road Quarter, Sudbury SPD (Adopted February 2010)
This SPD was adopted to provide clear guidance for the appropriate, comprehensive redevelopment of the area covered by Local Plan policy SD06. It provided a general policy context, a detailed site analysis, a design response to this (in which design principles were set out) and indicated the parameters for the development process.
Hamilton Road Quarter, Sudbury SPD (Feb, 2010)
Hamilton Road Quarter Sustainability Appraisal
Adoption Statement for Hamilton Road Quarter
Consultation Statemen for Hamilton Road Quarter
Safeguarding Employment Land SPD (Adopted March 2008)
Adopted to support Local Plan policy EM24, this SPD was intended to provide advice to prospective applicants and the general public on the criteria against which proposals for the alternative use of business, industrial and warehouse land would be considered.
Safeguarding Employment Land SPD (March 2008)
Adoption Statement for Safeguarding Employment Land
Summary of Main Issues and Responses for Safeguarding Employment Land