Post decision approval
A decision to approve any planning application may result in further issues, or further requirements for different interested parties (depending on whether you made the application yourself, or were supporting or objecting it).
Approval of a planning application does not necessarily mean that the development can go ahead. We may need further involvement, or there may be other permissions, planning conditions or consents needed.
This webpage details some of the further actions that may be required.
Reserved matters
If the permission we granted was for outline permission, it is likely that there will be some reserved matters. These matters include means of access and landscaping, and they will need to be submitted for further approval.
There may be more than one further application needed, for different matters. The matters may also only apply to part of the original site.
If you need to make an Approval of Reserved Matters application, we recommend using our pre-application service.
Both supporters and objectors of the original planning application would have a further opportunity to comment on any reserved matter application(s).
Planning conditions
We may impose planning conditions on a planning application that we approve. The nature of these conditions can vary and you need to read any conditions you receive carefully.
Some conditions will need further approval (for example, the agreement of specific materials to be used in the development).
Some conditions will mean that specific actions need to be performed - sometimes in a specific order.
Some conditions will impose ongoing requirements that need to be completed in perpetuity (on an ongoing and permanent basis). Examples include a shop's opening hours, or the removal of rights to extend a dwelling in future, without further permission.
If you need to apply for further approval due to planning conditions, you can apply for approval of matters reserved by condition.
Planning conditions can be removed or varied via a new planning application. However, please speak with us before you apply.
Non-material amendments
Once permission has been granted, but following further thoughts on the development's design (or, due to building regulations), alterations may be needed.
A revised planning application may be needed. However, some alterations may be regarded as a non-material amendment, and this can be applied for instead (in place of a planning application).
In most cases, the following amendments to previously approved plans would be accepted as non-material:
- Reduction in size or volume of the building or extension
- Reduction to the height of the building or extension
- Amendments to windows, doors, openings that will not affect neighbouring properties
The following amendments would likely take the development beyond the scope of its original permission, and would not be classed as non-material:
- Significant increase to the volume or height of the building or extension
- Changes that would conflict with a condition on the original approval
- Additional (or repositioned) windows, doors, openings that will affect neighbouring properties
- Amendments that would warrant re-consultation with neighbours, Council services or statutory bodies
Please note that alterations to listed buildings are always classed as material.
It is our responsibility to decide whether an amendment counts as material or not. Our decision is final.
We will always take into account issues and considerations that were present at the time of the decision approval, and the overall context of the development.