Planning Consultations
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Closed planning consultations
Joint Local Validation List Consultation - Monday 22 January 2024 to Monday 4 March 2024
Since our Local Validation List (LVL) was amended in 2023, our new Joint Local Plan (JLP) has been adopted and the LVL has undergone further revisions as a consequence. These revisions are such that formal six week consultation was required, giving interested parties an opportunity to make any comments prior to the Joint LVL being adopted.
There are two LVL documents, one for Householder applications and one for Major and Minor applications. The Householder draft LVL is largely unaltered, with the exception of a new requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).
The main new matters covered by the LVL for Minor and Major applications are:
- Building for a healthy life - Wellbeing Impact Assessment
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Flood Risk Assessment for some Minor applications.
In addition, the following have been added. Validation details are now required for:
- Intensive livestock and poultry farming
- Rural Workers’ dwellings
- Employment land within the Strategic Corridors
- Tourist accommodation
- Water supply management
- Water resources and infrastructure
- Town centre uses
Some applications will now require the following:
- Safe, sustainable and active travel compliance
- Transport statements and assessments
- Transport Network Noise Assessment
Have your say
The consultation is now closed.