Our tenant satisfaction surveys

We use an independent market research company called Acuity to collect feedback from our tenants, via different surveys.

We use this information to understand what we are doing well and where we can improve.

The use of an independent organisation for these surveys allows for two things:

  • It allows you, our tenants, to be completely honest about what you think
  • It offers us the best possible value for money

Tenants can respond to surveys anonymously. However, if you agree to share your contact details with us, we can respond directly to any urgent concerns you may have.

If you want to discuss a problem directly with us, you can also contact us.

When are surveys carried out?

Acuity may call, email or text you after you have received a service from us that you have asked for. This would include:

  • repair requests
  • reports of anti-social behaviour
  • your experience of moving into your new home

Acuity will call you from the following number: 01449 546003. 

For more information, you can visit Acuity's website or read our resident satisfaction survey FAQs.

How we use your information

If you would like to take part in one of our surveys, we will need your contact details.

You can update your information via our My Home app. It's easy to sign up to, and you can also manage your rent account from there.

Acuity are a Market Research Society (MRS) accredited company and work in accordance with their code of conduct. Any information you provide Acuity will be handled in line with data protection regulations. They will never ask you for your bank details, or try to sell you anything.

Taking part in our surveys is optional. You are able to opt out when Acuity contact you. You can also contact us, so that we can instruct Acuity to remove you from any further contact about our surveys.

Read our privacy notice to learn more about how we process your personal information.