Nationally significant infrastructure projects

Large-scale energy projects and NSIPs

Latest updates

The leaders of Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have written to the Minister for Energy, Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Read the letter - which is in regards to energy development in the eastern region.

What are NSIPs?

Nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) are large-scale projects that relate to either energy, waste, transport or water.

Examples of NSIPs include roads, railway lines, power stations, and offshore windfarms. The scale of these developments causes them to be large and complicated projects that take many years to complete.

How are NSIPs dealt with?

NSIPs are processed and decided by the Planning Inspectorate. Many different people are consulted to get the best available knowledge on the proposal and its impacts. This includes local communities and councils.

Large-scale energy projects

Large-scale energy projects (that are smaller than NSIPs) are processed and decided by councils in a similar way to normal planning applications.

These projects are also dealt with by our Strategic Projects team because of their important role in the wider energy network of the region.

Please contact us if you have any questions:


This webpage was last updated on 20 November 2024.