List of public health funerals

Freedom of Information requests

Due to the number of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests we receive regarding public health funerals, we publish information about the funerals we organise on our website.

Entries on the list are removed after seven years.

By publishing this data, we fulfil our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This means that we can refuse any such FOI requests and instead refer people to this webpage.

Publishing this information on our website also means that all organisations who work to establish next to kin, will all have access to the information at once.

We do not provide additional information about the deceased listed, because we consider that Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies:

Section 31 states that information is exempt from release under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 if to provide the information would, or would be likely, to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.

We consider that the release of full addresses - and or value of estates of the deceased - may provide an opportunity for a crime to be committed.

The property of the deceased might be empty and may still contain their personal files and belongings.

Therefore there is a risk of theft and fraud (including identity theft), illicit occupation, anti-social behaviour, and possible danger to living individuals from the disclosure of this information.  We do not believe it to be in the public interest to disclose information relating to empty properties, before a full and thorough securing of the assets of the estate - as carried out by the Government Legal Department (GLD).

Public health funerals

Name of deceased Gender Date of birth Date of death Place of death Date of funeral Next of kin traced Details passed to Treasury
Eric Turner M 01/08/1921 30/12/2017 Sproughton 22/02/2018 Yes No
Bernard Gale M 22/01/1950 04/01/2018 Glemsford 13/03/2018 Yes No
Mark Richard Evans M 07/05/1969 19/03/2018 Sudbury 01/05/2018 Yes No
Patricia Petrie F
26/06/2018 Nayland 30/07/2018 No No
Brian Riley M 18/05/1953 19/10/2018 Sudbury
Yes No
George Oxford M 13/02/1941 05/11/2018 Hadleigh
Yes No
Cecil Hamilton M 23/09/1952 25/10/2018 Cockfield 05/02/2019 Yes No
Giles Russell Brown M 27/03/1956 03/06/2019 Lavenham 25/07/2019 No Yes
Kevin Paul Thompson M
25/07/2019 Sudbury 26/09/2019 No No
Graham Daniel Buckley M 09/07/1952 20/07/2019 Glemsford
No Yes
John Robert Munday M 24/10/1949 29/09/2019 Sudbury 18/11/2019 No No
Daniel Amour M 27/01/1933 18/12/2019 Sudbury 26/02/2020 No No
John Lewis Seeley M 04/12/1934
No No
Tracy Russell F 16/10/1976 25/04/2020 Sudbury 15/06/2020 Yes No
Ronald Burke M 03/04/1930 18/04/2020 Nayland 24/06/2020 Yes No
Peter Sivyer M 26/05/1950
Hadleigh 12/11/2020 Yes No
Kenneth Mitson M 27/04/1949 24/01/2021 Sudbury 15/02/2021 Yes No
Colin Cooke M 01/03/1948 21/01/2021 Hadleigh 01/03/2021
Antony Dalley M 15/11/1964
Sudbury 18/06/2021
Kevin Welton M 27/03/1962 12/06/2021 Copdock and Washbrook 08/10/2021
Julia Bardell F 26/07/1951 16/01/2022 Nayland 11/05/2022 Yes No
Clare Green F 12/11/1975 14/08/2022 Sudbury 27/09/2022
John Stearn M 04/11/1947 09/09/2022 Hadleigh 23/11/2022 No No
David Little M 01/04/1937 06/09/2022 Great Cornard, Sudbury 08/12/2022 No No
Mark Smith M
26/01/2023 Sudbury 21/03/2023 Yes


John Brooks M 26/09/1946 24/01/2023 Long Melford 14/06/2023 Yes No
Julie Billington F 17/03/1955 19/06/2023 Lavenham 08/08/2023 Yes No
David Kiley M 20/06/1961 21/07/2023 Sudbury 08/09/2023 Yes No
Graham Sutton M 16/03/1957 24/11/2023 Copdock and Washbrook 06/03/2024 No No
Norman Smith M 02/09/1955 11/11/2023 Ipswich 07/03/2024 No Decision pending
Steven Dennison M 20/04/1945 22/03/2024 Hadleigh 18/03/2024 No Decision pending
David Humphries M 14/11/1942 02/05/2024 Sudbury 09/07/2024 No Decision pending
Shane Gray M 28/11/1953 04/10/2024 Sproughton 24/10/2024 Yes No
Frederick Newman M 22/06/1940 06/09/2024 Hadleigh 11/11/2024 Yes Decision pending