Landscape guidance
When considering a proposed development, the Council will need to make sure the new development fits in with its surroundings. This is important for everything from a new porch to a large commercial building.
An understanding of the character and appearance of the surrounding area is important when considering the design of a development.
The Council will ask the developer to consider existing and proposed landscaping as part of the design process.
Existing trees & landscape features
The developer must consider any existing trees, hedges, shrubs and other vegetation on the site.
Care should be taken to keep as much of this as possible. The new layout should be designed around the existing trees and landscape features.
Existing ponds, streams and hedge banks should be enhanced and developed as ecological features within the development.
Existing vegetation and trees near new buildings contribute to the character and appearance of the landscape. Achieving a similar character with new planting can be expensive and take time.
To work out the amount of landscaping needed, it is helpful to seek pre-application advice.
Read our guide on Existing landscaping ⧉
Requirements of a landscaping scheme
Developers are urged to submit a landscaping scheme at the same time as other details of the proposed development.
What should a landscaping scheme include? ⧉
Further References
Our guide to Landscape specifications ⧉ tells you about information needed by the Local Planning Authority.
Our Joint landscape guidance (Babergh & Mid Suffolk) ⧉ outlines the principles that developments being built in the countryside must follow.
The Suffolk Landscape Character Assessment ⧉ has been carried out by all the District Councils and the County Council working together.