Cash boost for community projects

More than £705,000 collected from developers set to be injected back into communities

More than £705,000 collected from developers in Babergh and Mid Suffolk is set to be injected back into communities – funding projects including play areas, cycle paths and village hall improvements.

Cabinet members at Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils this week voted to approve the latest round of funding from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bids.

CIL payments, which are a legal requirement paid by developers of residential sites across the districts, will fund 18 successful bids for community projects including improvements to play areas and additional foot and cycleways across the districts – as well as a new scout hut for Needham Market, and Changes Places public toilets for disabled visitors to Flatford.

Bids made for CIL funding are reviewed by the Councils every six months and is earmarked for projects which help local infrastructure keep pace with developments happening in the districts.

This is the 11th round of CIL funding which has been available through the councils since May 2018 and to date, has delivered more than £13m to projects across Babergh and Mid Suffolk.

Among the successful CIL bids in this round are two £100,000 awards, one for the development and extension of Norton Community Centre and the other for water and electrical works to be carried out as part of the Triangle Project run by The Bridge Project in Sudbury.

Councillors also approved a total of £140K in CIL funding for Needham Market – with £75K to replace and expand the Scout hut and more than £65K to upgrade the play equipment in Crowley Park.

Councillor Andrew Stringer, cabinet member for heritage, planning and infrastructure for Mid Suffolk District Council, said:

“I am really pleased that we’ve been able to approve funding for some truly amazing projects and I look forward to seeing them come to fruition.
“With the need for additional housing, comes the need for additional facilities for our communities and it is through CIL, that we are really able to ensure these facilities are delivered where our residents need it the most.”
Councillor David Busby, cabinet member for planning at Babergh District Council, said:
“This round of CIL funding has once again highlighted some of the amazing work and projects which are being undertaken throughout the district.
“I am delighted that through CIL contributions, the council is able to provide a helping hand to getting some of these projects completed and available so that members of our local communities, can reap the benefits.”

Here is the full list of awards:

Norton Community Centre Development and Extension - £100,000

The project entails the creation of additional function rooms, development of increased storage capacity as well as expanding on the changing rooms and toilet facilities at the centre.

Cllr David Bradbury, ward councillor for Thurston, said:
"I'm really pleased that Norton Community Centre were able to make a successful bid for these funds. The money will provide facilities that are needed following the expansion of the village."
Cllr Austin Davies, fellow ward councillor for Thurston, said:
"These new facilities will strengthen the role the Community Centre plays as a hub for an even wider range of activities within the vibrant village which is Norton."

The Bridge Project Water and electrical connection element of The Triangle Project in Sudbury - £100,000

The funding will be used to connect The Bridge Project’s new building which hosts the Triangle Project to the National Grid. It will include the trenchwork, cabling and wiring, required to provide power the site. The monies will also be used to connect the building to both the mains water and sewer systems.

Councillor Laura Smith, ward councillor for Sudbury South West, said:
"I am pleased to support The Bridge Project in its bid for CIL funding; the charity has a marvellous track record for providing meaningful work for disadvantaged adults as well as useful services for vulnerable customers in the Sudbury area."

New Scout Hut in Needham Market - £75,000

Funding towards replacing and expanding Needham Market Scout Hut. The current building has been in place since WW2 is no longer fit for purpose. This funding award will go towards replacing this with a larger, safer and modern facility which will include adaptations for individuals with disabilities to ensure it is accessible for the whole community.

Councillor Terry Lawrence, ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"It’s great to see that CIL funding is being used to in this manner to fund projects that local communities need and want enhancing facilities and providing opportunities to enhance the quality of our lives.”
Councillor Ross Piper, fellow ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"This is a welcome upgrade that will serve the community for decades to come.”

Wyverstone Village Hall Kitchen Refurbishment and improvement - £65,970.90

The upgrade will double the floorspace of the kitchen and allow the village hall to increase the size and number of events they are able to offer.

Cllr Andrew Mellen, leader of Mid Suffolk District Council and ward councillor for Bacton, said:
"I am really pleased that Wyverstone will be getting this much needed improvement to the village hall. The current kitchen is very small and the extension will provide a much better space for food preparation and service, improving occasions such as the regular village café and allowing the hall to host more events in the future.”

Crowley Park Young Childrens Play Equipment Upgrade in Needham Market - £65,560.50

Providing a much-needed upgrade to Crowley Park’s young children’s play equipment, which has been in place for more than 20 years. The new play equipment will create an area which is fully-inclusive with a range of different play and problem-solving activities for children.

Councillor Terry Lawrence, ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"It’s great to see that CIL funding is being used to in this manner to fund projects that local communities need and want enhancing facilities and providing opportunities to enhance the quality of our lives.”
Councillor Ross Piper, fellow ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"Children need safe, stimulating play areas and this significant investment in the play area of Crowley Park has been a long time coming and is very welcome.”

Somersham Play Area - £62,776.17

The new play area will have a more diverse range of equipment which will meet the needs of a wider age group and abilities to the local community and surrounding areas.

Cllr Adrienne Marriott, ward councillor for Blakenham, said:
"As Blakenham District Councillor I am pleased to learn that Somersham and District Community Association have been granted district CIL funding in order to improve and add to their existing playground equipment.
"The choice of equipment took in the views of children from the village school and it is hoped that children from outlying areas of Blakenham, Nettlestead and Baylham will also benefit.
"There is also provision for older children and for children with disabilities. The roundabout is wheelchair-friendly and disabled children could also benefit from the low-level features of the Viking Swing, the Ship Climber and the Matrix K5.”

Finningham Green Footpath - £52,000

A joint project between Suffolk County Council highways and Finningham Parish Council will see the creation of a new footpath between crossroads at Westhorpe Road, Station Road, Wickham Road and Walsham Road (B1113), up to the entrance of the Village Green.

Cllr Andrew Mellen, leader of Mid Suffolk District Council and ward councillor for Bacton, said
"This new path will make it easier and safer to walk from the crossroads to the village green and into the heart of the village. It’s only a short section of path but it will make a big difference to school children walking to catch the bus, and to parents taking their children to the play area.
"I hope that this will be the first of many such schemes that the district council can support, making life better for pedestrians across the district.”

Walking and Cycling Palmer Street Footpath in Walsham-le-Willows - £41,439

Providing a safe and segregated walking area for pedestrians along Palmer Street.

Cllr Richard Winch, ward councillor for Walsham-le-Willows, said:
"It’s great to see CIL funding being used to help develop thriving communities by the extending safe pedestrian access and ensuring village halls remain at the centre of the community.”

Improvements to Boxford Pavilion Changing Rooms - £29,565.35

The upgrade to the existing changing rooms will ensure the facilities meet the standards required to allow the Boxford Rovers FC to continue to compete in the Essex and Suffolk Border League. The continuation of providing health, fitness and wellbeing facilities will also benefit the local community.

Cllr Bryn Hurren, ward councillor for Box Vale, said:
"The new facilities will enable the recently re-formed adult team to keep playing in their present status and complying with official membership of the F.A.
"Also enabling Boxford Rovers football club to move towards staging women and girls matches in football and other sports and training schedules, so important to have equal facilities, since the great strides of the national team.”

Improvements to Stanstead Play Area - £27.677.31

The project includes providing more diverse equipment to meet the needs of a wider age group and abilities within the local community.

Cllr Michael Holt, ward councillor for Chadacre, said:
"Huge thanks should go to Stanstead Parish Council for organising this CIL bid along with officers at Babergh, the improved play will be of a benefit to a wider age group and abilities and will meet the needs of the residents for years to come, this is a great scheme and highlights what CIL is about and should be used as an example for others Parish Council's to follow when looking to improve their own facilities.”
Cllr Stephen Plumb, fellow ward councillor for Chadacre, said:
"I am simply delighted that Stanstead Parish Council are getting this new playground for the local community. They are to be applauded for all their hard work.”

Great Ashfield Community Hall Kitchen Refurbishment and Improvement - £24,556.65

The refurbishment will increase the potential usage and footfall of the site. In addition to this, energy efficiency works will also be carried out within the kitchen area.

Cllr Richard Winch, ward councillor for Walsham-le-Willows, said:
"It’s great to see CIL funding being used to help develop thriving communities by the extending safe pedestrian access and ensuring village halls remain at the centre of the community.”

Improvements to Acton Play Area - £20,403.57

The improved play areas will feature more diverse equipment which will meet the needs of a wider age group and mix of abilities.

Cllr John Nunn, ward councillor for Long Melford, said:
"As part of Acton’s 2023 action plan (consultation) local teenagers highlighted the need to upgrade the facilities at the Lime Tree Play Area.”

Installation of a Changing Places Facility within Flatford National Trust in Flatford - £16,155.00

The proposal will improve accessibility for those using the National Trust centre and the surrounding areas.

Cllr Sallie Davies, ward councillor for East Bergholt, said:
"I am so pleased about the funding for this Changing Places facility. It will enable people with severe disabilities and their families to easily access this beautiful, important place. I hope they come to love Flatford as much as I do.”

Walking and Cycling - Sally Woods Lane in Creeting St Mary – £10,170

Sally Woods Lane is not currently suitable to all users. The approved CIL funding will go towards an upgrade of the surface which will allow greater versatility of users within the community and ensure the longevity of the bridleway.

Councillor Terry Lawrence, ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"It’s great to see that CIL funding is being used to in this manner to fund projects that local communities need and want enhancing facilities and providing opportunities to enhance the quality of our lives.”
Cllr Ross Piper, fellow ward councillor for Needham Market, said:
"This is an important part of our sustainable travel infrastructure and these improvements will make the bridleway accessible to more people.”

Public Right of Way improvements Bun Meadow in Acton - £4,590

The project has widespread community support and once delivered, will improve local active travel connectivity.

Cllr John Nunn, ward councillor for Long Melford, said:
"Bun Meadow footpath, forms an important contribution to Acton’s Walking routes but the route becomes virtually impassable during the wetter months of the year.
This much needed upgrade to the route will benefit many local residents of Acton and will connect the residents of Clay Hall to the Acton pavement network and village services and general walking exercise.”

MacKenzie Community Open Space Project in Cockfield – £4,422.45

A successful reapplication to offset the cost of the now completed project which included the provision of recreational land, gazebo shelter and picnic furniture.

Cllr Paul Clover, ward member for Lavenham, said:
"This project will help to extend the good works carried led by Cockfield Parish Council in developing a green recreational and leisure pathway that is available for the whole community to access.
As we saw in the pandemic these areas play in vital role in sustaining mental and physical wellbeing for all generations.”
Cllr Margaret Maybury, fellow ward councillor for Lavenham, said:
"As always Lavenham Ward is forward thinking in its approach to resident issues both individually and to its wider community. I welcome the CIL awards to both Cockfield and Lavenham and congratulate the parish councils on their continued endeavours for our communities.”

Lavenham Hall Works - £3,000

The works to the hall include the addition of an electrical system on the exterior of the building, which as a designated emergency rest centre, will enable a generator to be hooked up and provide power in the event of a power loss.

Cllr Paul Clover, ward member for Lavenham, said:
"In the event of an emergency, any rest centre must be able to provide and protect residents at all times. Therefore an adequate alternative power supply in such circumstances should be mandatory and is in my view money well spent.”
Cllr Margaret Maybury, fellow ward councillor for Lavenham, said:
"As always Lavenham Ward is forward thinking in its approach to resident issues both individually and to its wider community. I welcome the CIL awards to both Cockfield and Lavenham and congratulate the parish councils on their continued endeavours for our communities.”

Walking and Cycling scheme in Eye - £2,700

Changes and improvements to footpaths to allow a safe off-road cycle route between Eye and Brome, encouraging more sustainable and active travel.

Cllr Lucy Elkin, ward councillor for Eye, said:
"It's great news to see a new off-road cycle route connecting Eye with Brome. Expanding our safe cycling routes to link towns and villages makes cycling more accessible - whether that's for fitness and leisure, or just to pop to the shops.
We hope routes like this will make it easier for more of us to consider using our bikes for shorter journeys."
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