Councils’ objection to National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury pylon proposals

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have now published their full response to National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury consultation

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have now published their full response to National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury consultation, objecting to the “considerable and potentially devastating impacts” of the proposals to their districts.

Whilst acknowledging the government’s net zero commitment and the need to tackle energy security, carbon reduction and energy poverty – the councils point out the impact of strategic energy development on their districts’ communities, heritage, and environment.

In a joint response, the councils call for a pause to the scheme so alternatives can be fully considered and consulted upon.  

However, they have also offered further comments on the proposals in a bid to minimise the impacts of the development on the districts and increase benefits for the wider eastern region.  You can see the response in full here.

pylons web story