Call for Sites - Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showpeople (31 May - 28 Jun 2024)

Following the publication of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation Needs Assessment (May 2024), Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils are undertaking a Call for Sites exercise for sites intended for use by Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. 

This is known as the ‘Call for Sites’ process. It is important to note, this Call for Sites exercise will not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for development. All sites will need to be further assessed and the overall strategy for the Joint Local Plan Part 2 will be informed by a number of evidence base documents and feedback from consultations. It is very important to stress that the submission of a site through the Call for Sites process does not give them any planning status, nor does it determine any future planning status. 

Separate submissions must be made for each site. Submissions must be received by 12 noon Friday 28 June 2024.

Submit your site

We encourage submissions through our online portal. if this is not possible a hard copy can be downloaded below.

Call for Sites paper form

Forms can be submitted via email to:

You can also post submissions to:

Strategic Planning Policy Team

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils

Endeavour House

8 Russell Road

