Call for Sites (5 Jan - 2 Feb 2024)

The Call for Sites exercise has now closed.

Following adoption of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Part 1 2018-2037 Development Plan Document (DPD) in November 2023, the Councils are progressing with the production of the Joint Local Plan Part 2 DPD.  At this initial point of the plan-making process the Councils invited site submissions to be put forward for residential land use for consideration for future development.

This is known as the ‘Call for Sites’ process. which was open between 5 January to 2 February 2024. The Councils have now published the sites submitted as part of this process. Please note that these sites have no status and are shown for transparency and information only at this stage. They will later be subject to formal assessment and public consultation processes as the JLP - Part 2 progresses. Just because a site is being promoted, this does not automatically mean that it will go forward as an allocation in the JLP or be supported for development of the proposed use.

To view more information about the sites submitted as part of the 'Call for Sites' process, view the page below:

Call for Sites 2024 - Site Submissions

The Council may undertake further 'Call for Sites' exercises for other land uses as the evidence base develops.