Bures Neighbourhood Plan

The parishes of Bures Hamlet and Bures St Mary are preparing a joint Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). When complete, the Plan will be used to help guide and shape future development across the two parishes. 

Please also visit the Braintree District Council's website for information that they have published on this NDP.

Latest news...

SEA/HRA Screening and Determination (Nov 2024)

The pre-submission draft Bures NDP has been screened to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and or a Habitats Assessment (HRA) were required. Both were 'screened-out'.

The screening assessment - carried out by the consultants appointed by the Bures NDP Team - and the joint determination notice issued by Babergh District Council and Braintree District Council are published below:

Previous stages...

Reg 14 pre-submission consultation (2 Sept to 28 Oct 2024)

Consultation on the Regulation 14 pre-submission draft Bures NDP closed on 28 October 2024. For more information, please visit the Bures NP Public Consultation webpage.

Reg 7 Area Designation (Nov 2021)

A joint application made by Bures Hamlet and Bures St Mary to designate their two parishes as a single NDP Area was received and consulted on by Braintree and Babergh District Councils between 1 September and 15 October 2021. No objections were received during that period.

In accordance with their governance procedures, the two planning authorities agreed to designate the Bures NDP Area.