Babergh overwhelmingly backs multiple unitaries for Suffolk

Two or three unitary councils in Suffolk can “transform public services, better serve residents and reflect the needs of local communities”, according to councillors at Babergh District Council.

On Thursday evening, the council overwhelmingly backed an interim plan developed jointly by all of Suffolk’s district and borough councils that would see either two or three unitary authorities created to deliver all council services across manageable geographic areas.

A multiple authority approach is the only way to ensure the needs of Suffolk’s diverse communities can be met effectively and efficiently – and that local people continue to have a say in decisions that matter to them.

The Government has asked councils nationwide to look at reorganisation of local government, which will include disbanding county, district and borough councils and their services being delivered by newly created unitary authorities.

Suffolk County Council has stated its preference for a single ‘mega-council’ delivering services for the whole of the county – but district councillors heard it would be too large to work effectively and too remote for residents to be heard.

Cllr Deborah Saw, Babergh District Council leader, said:

“Settling for a county council with a new wrapper won’t cut it.

“Local government reorganisation must not be seen purely an exercise in giving money back to the Treasury – it is an opportunity to redesign public services from the ground up.

“Not just the ones the county and districts do now, but delivering healthcare at neighbourhood level, building communities with the right infrastructure, ensuring homes add to the wellbeing of people who live in them, and providing a roadmap for everyone to secure a better future.

“By being imaginative and creative, we believe we can deliver better services that can help bring solutions to the problems that have confronted us for many years - working in partnership with the mayor and central government, and delivering cost savings.

“The districts and borough leaders believe two or three unitaries offer the best opportunity to transform services, remain financially sustainable, and genuinely reflect local needs.”

Recent data from the District Councils Network calls into question the level of savings that can be realised through the creation of a single county unitary authority without ravaging services.

Instead, a multi unitary authority approach would provide:
•    Cost effective and high-quality services for Suffolk residents
•    Long term financial sustainability
•    Economic growth and support to local industry
•    Stronger democratic representation, community engagement and neighbourhood empowerment
•    Governance and support systems which can adapt to future aspirations and sustainable growth
•    Ambitions to drive progress, innovation, and long-term success
•    Structures to support and enable thriving communities and economies.

Ipswich Borough Council executive, West Suffolk Council, East Suffolk Council and Mid Suffolk District Council each approved the multiple unitary authority model at meetings earlier this week.

The report will now be submitted to Government on Friday, but does not constitute a final decision – only initial thoughts and preferences. The districts and borough councils then have further time to consider and develop the best option, seeking feedback from residents and communities, ahead of the final business case being submitted in September. 

Cllr Deborah Saw