From Tuesday 7 May 2024, some EU citizens will not be able to vote, or stand as a candidate, in local elections in England. This change will also apply to Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

The government have negotiated to reach agreements with some EU member states, which means that citizens from these states can still vote in elections, or stand as a candidate. These agreements also mean that UK citizens who live in these states have the same rights.

At the moment, these agreements have been made with:

  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Luxembourg
  • Poland
  • Denmark

Other EU citizens, who were living in the UK before the end of the EU Withdrawal Agreement (up until 1 January 2021), will also still be able to vote and stand in elections.

The change will not affect citizens from the Republic or Ireland, or Commonwealth nation citizens.

If you have recently been asked to confirm your eligibility, you can do so online:

Respond to your Electoral Registration Office