The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan will provide a framework for shaping our communities - and guiding future development - until the year 2037.

Following the Examination, it was proposed in December 2021 that the Joint Local Plan be split into two parts (the Part 1 Plan and the Part 2 Plan).

In September 2023, the Appointed Inspectors published their Examination report. Their report concludes that the Joint Local Plan - with its recommended Main Modifications - is sound and capable of adoption.

Part 1 of the Joint Local Plan was adopted by Mid Suffolk District Council on 20 November 2023 as set out in Mid Suffolk's adoption statement and by Babergh District Council on 21 November 2023 as set out in Babergh's adoption statement.

A live online Policies Map supports the Joint Local Plan Part 1 and can be accessed below.

For convenience, the Councils have also printed Settlement Maps as of November 2023, which can be accessed via our supplementary document. This document will only be updated with replacement maps if/when new respective Neighbourhood Plan documents are adopted, following the adoption of Part 1 of the Joint Local Plan.

A revised Local Development Scheme was also brought into effect by Mid Suffolk District Council on 20 November 2023 and by Babergh District Council on 21 November 2023, which sets out the planned timetable for the Joint Local Plan Part 2 Plan.

Part 1 of the Joint Local Plan

Online Policies Map

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Consultation (22 Aug - 30 Sept 2024)

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have published a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report to support the preparation of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Part 2 Development Plan Document, following adoption of the Part 1 Joint Local Plan in November 2023. To view the documents and/or submit a comment, please access the link below:

View SA Scoping Report Consultation

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Proposed Approach Consultation (22 Aug - 30 Sept 2024)

The Councils have published a proposed approach to the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). The Councils are inviting representations to be made upon the technical criteria for the site assessment for both potential housing developments and potential Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites. To view the documents and/or submit a comment, please access the link below:

View SHLAA Proposal Consultation

Call for Sites - Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showpeople (31 May - 28 Jun 2024)

Following the publication of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Gypsy and Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation Needs Assessment (May 2024), Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils undertook a Call for Sites exercise for sites intended for use by Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. This consultation was open between 31 May to 28 June 2024.

Visit Call for Sites - G&T page

Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation (15 May - 19 Jun 2024)

Following adoption of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Part 1 2018-2037 Development Plan Document (DPD) in November 2023, the Councils prepared three draft supplementary planning documents (SPDs) for consultation which was open between 15 May - 19 June 2024. The documents relate to biodiversity and trees, housing, and intensive livestock and poultry.

Representations made throughout the SPDs consultation can be viewed through our consultation portal below. 

The Councils are currently planning to take the SPDs to Council meetings for adoption in November 2024 (Housing SPD and Intensive Livestock and Poultry SPD) and in January 2025 (Biodiversity and Trees SPD).

View SPDs Consultation

Consultation Portal

Call for Sites - Publication of Submitted Sites Residential

Following a 'Call for Sites' exercise which was open between 5 January to 2 February 2024 for residential use, the Councils have published sites submitted during this period. 

Please note that these site have no status and are shown for transparency and information only at this stage. For further information please access our Call for Sites page.

Visit Call for Sites page

Joint Local Plan Examination

The Examination has now concluded. Please visit our Joint Local Plan Examination webpage to access information about the Examination:

Joint Local Plan Examination

Local Plan timetable (the Local Development Scheme)

The new Local Development Scheme (LDS) outlined a Part 1 and Part 2 Joint Local Plan, and set out the revised timetable for the production of the Joint Local Plan. The LDS was approved by both Councils in November 2023.

Evidence base

We publish and maintain a significant evidence base, which relates to the Joint Local Plan. It includes our 2022 Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement and Annual Monitoring Reports.

It also includes information about:

  • development viability
  • infrastructure requirements and funding
  • flood risk
  • heritage, landscape and transport impact

Access our evidence base

Join our Joint Local Plan mailing list

If you have already made comments about the Joint Local Plan, you will be notified of any future updates (unless you have chosen otherwise).

If you have not previously made comments, but you would like to receive updates, please register your email address for our mailing list.