At Babergh District Council, a Councillor is elected every May to become the Council's Chair for the municipal year. 

The Chair's duty is to provide civic and ceremonial leadership within the district. They do this by attending various functions and events, on behalf of the Council. They are also responsible for chairing and managing Full Council meetings, and making sure that the Council's constitution is upheld.

Read Babergh District Council's Constitution

Upon election, the Chair is expected to choose a local charity to support, fundraise for, and work alongside throughout their year in office.

Full Council also elect a Vice Chair of the Council in May of each year. The Vice Chair - in the absence of the Chair - takes on a full deputising role.

Current office holders

Babergh District Council Chair

Babergh District Council Vice Chair

If you wish to contact the Chair or Vice Chair about attending an event, please email our Civic Officer.