Tree for life
To promote the benefits which planting trees brings to communities, we offer families a tree to mark the arrival of every new child.
We are currently accepting applications for 2025.
Who is eligible?
Any family living in Babergh or Mid Suffolk which are celebrating a new arrival, both new born and newly adopted, between 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025.
We also offer memory trees to parents who've lost a child during the same period.
Check you are eligible before applying
When should I apply?
You can register for your child's tree before or after their arrival, but you must apply before applications close on 10 January 2026.
What if I have a small garden or am renting?
There'll be a range of options available - including trees which will grow happily in a pot.
You can also choose to plant your tree in a family member's, or maybe even a friend's, garden. However, they must live within Babergh or Mid Suffolk and give their permission.
You can email our Tree for Life team to discuss your options.
Can I plant my tree anywhere I like?
Any Tree for Life must be planted within the two districts.
Is there a choice of trees available?
Trees will be specially selected nearer the planting season, where you will be given a choice of fruit trees.
How do I collect my tree?
If eligible, you'll be invited to collect your tree in early 2026. Advice on tree planting and maintenance will be provided.
More questions?
Please email our Tree for Life team.
Watch our videos to hear what parents who’ve previously applied have said about the scheme:
Apply for Tree for Life
All applications will be processed after the closing date.
Read the Tree for Life Data Protection Privacy Notice
Applied before?
We'd love to see progress photos of your growing tree with its little owner.
Please send us photos in a high resolution/size of:
- When you originally planted your tree
- Your growing tree and its owner once planted (even if it's three or four years on!)
Make sure that when sending photos you would be happy for us to share them on social media and as part of any council promotion for the scheme.